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Lady Denman Cup Competition 2022

Writer: Wiltshire WIWiltshire WI

The Power of Community

Celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee, supported by The Big Jubilee Lunch.

Using no more than 500 words, WI members are invited to submit a piece of writing, either comical, serious, fact or fiction, which reflects the powerful impact when a community comes together.

NEW FOR 2022! Please note changes to entry requirements…

  • Each entry must include a total word count; entries with over 500 words will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the individual member to ensure that their entries submitted have the correct word count.

  • Members can submit as many entries as they wish.

  • Entry fee is £5 per entry. Critiques are optional and must be selected and paid for as an additional fee. Cost for this option is £10 (total - entry fee and critique) per entry.

  • Requests for late entries to receive a critique by the judges, outside of the competition, will not be granted.

  • Deadline for entries is Friday 29 July 2022.

  • All forms relating to the competition can be downloaded from My WI | Lady Denman Cup competition (

  • Entrants will be informed of results by mid-October 2022.

Electronic Entries

Please email your entry and Individual Entry Form to [email protected]. Emails should include 2 separate versions of the entry: 1) including name of entrant, WI and federation in top left of page and 2) anonymous.

Postal Entries

Please submit 3 copies of your entries. Please ensure that the name of the entrant, WI and federation are only written on the first copy; entrant’s details must not be written on the second 2 copies. An Individual Entry Form must be completed and attached to the top copy of your entry. Address to submit entries will be confirmed by the end of May 2022; please check My WI for full details.

Please note that the preferable method of entry is via email, however we appreciate this is not an option, or favoured by all, and postal copies are still welcomed.

Unlike in previous year’s, there is no longer a requirement for federations to undertake the initial judging phase. Please send your entry directly to the Activities Team at the NFWI (address to be confirmed) and not to your federation office. Federations will not be expected to forward entries to the NFWI, nor return to the writer.


Book tokens will be given as prizes: 1st prize, book tokens to the value of £75; 2nd prize book tokens to the value of £50 and 3rd prize book tokens to the value of £30. The winner will be presented with the Lady Denman Cup at the Annual Meeting 2023.


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