​Joining a WI? Or perhaps you’d like to start a new WI?
Every local WI in a community is different, some meeting in the day, some meet in the evenings. Some WIs are super crafty, and some love to get involved with campaigns. Some are even virtual and meet online!
The WI is what you make of it… but finding your spot in the WI can sometimes be tricky. If you are interested in becoming a member, we recommend you visit several WIs if possible. It will help give you a feel for what YOU want from your membership. All WIs welcome visitors and do not require pre-booking.
However, it may be that no WI in your area suits you and there is a gap in the ‘WI Market’ for something new and different. Each Federation has a team of WI Advisers who are skilled in opening and running WIs, they will work with you to help set up an introductory meeting and to see if a new WI is a viable option.
To start a WI, all you need is a group of interested women, three of whom are willing to take on the roles of President, Secretary, and Treasurer!
The federation (Wiltshire) will help book a suitable venue and help with promotion. The federation can gather monies and hold an account securely until you have established a bank account. WIs usually choose and vote on a name at their formation meeting – this is a chance for everyone to get creative and think about your new WI’s identity.
Contact us if you are interested and we can put you in touch with a WI Adviser who will be able to guide you through the process.